Essential apps for travelling in Camper!

Today we can make use of new technologies to help us optimize and make the most of our breaks in Camper. That is why we bring you a summary of the most useful applications when travelling by van. Applications that will help you to draw a good route, to find the best places to spend the night, where to fill the water tanks, where to take a good shower or to find out which towns or villages are the most friendly to the Camper world. We will keep this list updated as new and interesting Apps appear!

If you have created an App related to the Camper world, write to us and we will publish it in our Blog! (Free. Android & Apple)

In our opinion one of the most useful applications. It allows us to carry the maps of any place in the world in our mobile phone without the need for an internet connection. It is true that currently in all countries of the European Economic Community roaming is no longer a cost, but it is in countries like Andorra or Switzerland.


The App gives us geolocation and from here it offers us the best route at every moment. You only need to download the map or maps you are interested in before starting your journey or taking advantage of those moments when you have a connection. We do this by selecting the geographical area directly from the app or using the search engine that it incorporates. Quick and easy.

Once we have the App installed and the map or maps downloaded, we can enter the route we want to travel by selecting the points of departure and arrival, as well as selecting whether we want to do it on foot or with our van. We can also add all those points of interest that are useful (places to visit, where to sleep, etc.).

Link MAPS.ME Android

Link MAPS.ME Apple


Park4night (Free. Android & Apple)

Another very useful app for travelling with our Camper. Registering is very easy and once we are inside we just have to navigate through the map and it will show us all the places where the different members of the community have been adding, whether free, paid, rest areas, campsites, etc. Clicking on each one of them you will be able to see the opinions, characteristics, prices, photos and all the necessary information to be able to decide.


Offers online and offline mode. It is only necessary to take advantage of the internet connection when we have it to mark those places or areas that interest you and these will be recorded on the mobile.

It also allows us to add new places to the map and create selective maps where only those areas appear that meet certain requirements previously selected.

Highly recommended!

Link Park4night Android

Link Park4night Apple


Furgoperfectos (Free. Android & Apple)

This App is similar to the previous one, but the places it offers are usually very precious. It is a map produced by the community, and is highly reliable.


Attach all the information of each point regarding if there are toilets, showers, prices, characteristics, environment, etc.

It also has offline mode and allows you to download the map with all its points of interest.

Highly recommended!

Link Furgoperfectos Android

Link Furgoperfectos Apple


Camper Friendly (Free. Android & Apple)

A practical App just out of the oven and of proximity that allows us to navigate through the map and see, municipality by municipality, which are those “Camper Friendly” locations, that is, where visitors who go in Camper are welcome and where itinerant tourism is encouraged. This means that they offer parking areas, services, a camping area or that they do not violate the overnight stay law by fining those vehicles that are well parked, among others.


It also indicates those municipalities that do not have specific facilities for this type of tourism and from the application itself allows us to fill out a form where we can add Camper Friendly locations.

Very useful and recommended for community building and creating Camper Friendly awareness!

Link Camper Friendly Android

Link Camper Friendly Apple


Closca Water (Free. Android & Apple)

This App is very simple. You only need to register and you will have access to the map where you can see all the drinking water points around you. You also have the option to add one if you think it is appropriate.


Don’t run out of water in the middle of summer!

Closca Android link

Closca Apple Link


Fuel Flash (Free. Android. For Apple we have the Fuel-For-Less App, with very similar features)

This App lets us know which gas stations we have nearby and orders them by price, from lowest to highest. The application geolocates us (we can also indicate where we want the search to be made) and we indicate in what radius of Km we want to look for the gas station. It’s that easy.


Recommended, since there can be important differences between some gas stations and others, which allows us to save a few euros.

Link Fuel Flash Android

Link Fuel For Less Apple


Rain Alarm (Offers free version. Android & Apple)

This App allows us to know in real time where it is raining and to see the trend and intensity of the rainfall.


It offers a paid version if we want to increase the features although with the free version it is enough to know if we will get wet or not.

Link Rain Alarm Android

Link Rain Alarm Apple


This article will be updated as new and better applications appear! If you miss one, just write or leave a comment on the blog!

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